Pottstown’s High Street Yoga; Room to Stretch, Quiet to Reflect

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Interview with Carrie, Yogi and High Street Yoga Student

How long have you been practicing yoga and how did you get started?

I went to a MOMS night out and that was the first time I did yoga and was hooked. That was almost 3 years ago.

How have you seen yoga make a difference in your life off of the mat?

Namaste really made an impact on me. I feel like there is such an interconnectedness in the world that people forget to acknowledge. We are all part of the human race and should try to remember that. Everyone has different struggles to deal with, but we need to remember that we are more alike than different.

For me there was an immediate emotional component to the practice of yoga. Did you feel an emotional shift?

I especially like the mind-body connection with yoga practice. I feel more centered and able to take on the daily tasks in my life.

What are your favorite poses?

I really like pigeon pose. I am pretty flexible so I feel very comfortable in many of the poses that we do.

You are busy in your life as a mom, wife, small business owner, how do you fit yoga into your daily/weekly life?

I really try to incorporate the breathe aspect into my daily life. My kids really push me to my limits and I try to take alot of breathes before I over react.

You practiced yoga through your entire pregnancy, how do you feel yoga helped throughout the pregnancy and during labor and delivery?

Wow, I am a HUGE advocate of yoga during pregnancy. Your body changes and becomes more flexible when you are pregnant and I think that it helped keep my hips open and helped with breathing during labor.

What advice do you have for a beginer that is worried that they may not be doing yoga 'right?'

Just do it!!!! Barb is very good at tailoring the poses to your special needs. She also tends to give different variations of the asanas to make everyone feel capable. I also laugh at myself alot...laughter is good for the soul too !

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